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Energetic Cleansing when you Move to a New Home


Spring Cleaning My Energy During a Big Move  


By Saiyo Young  


I have just recently moved and thanks to the training I have received from Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary, I have had the training to cleanse my energy. The place I was living before wasn't necessarily toxic. It also wasn't the best place for me physically, mentally, or energetically. When I moved into my new space, I noticed that I felt really bogged down and exhausted. When I examined my energy centers, I saw that they had become filled with just gunk.   

Due to the training I received to get my Associated Degree, I knew how to clean out my chakras and let them flow freely again. I had to sit down and just meditate so that I could see my energy centers. I personally find that seeing my chakras as flowing waters of different colors helps me with spotting the dams that are causing the stagnation. I can then go in and start removing the detritus that has caused the dam in the first place. I really needed this with my recent move.   

I know that everyone has different ways of cleansing themselves of built-up energy gunk. This is just the way that works for me that I have found after going through 2 years at WSTS. I saw myself digging out the dams and watching the colored waters flowing clear and freely again and could feel the energy shift within myself as I did this.  

I have found that by having cleared my chakras as I was taught at WSTS, I feel healthier and happier. My new place also doesn't feel energetically like a quagmire anymore. This, personally, feels like such a key step when moving into a new place. I see it as spring cleaning. Just like I would when spring cleaning my space, I need to clean my own energy. I don't keep items that no longer serve me. I also shouldn't keep energy that no longer serves me.  

I also do this as a regular service to myself. I have a 3rd Degree in Usui Reiki and as a 3rd degree in this practice, I had to learn how to keep my energy clean and stagnant free. I am human and forget to do this on occasion. When that happens, I feel sick in more than just my body. I feel sick in an energetic way as well. I have found that by combining the two practices that I have learned from Reiki and WSTS, I can cleanse my energy thoroughly and rapidly.  

I do want to say that I cannot teach others how this works. This is a practice that I learned between the schooling I got and the training I received in Reiki. This is my personal practice that I wanted to share with others, especially those that feel bogged down after a big move. To me, spring cleaning is more than just getting rid of personal belongings that no longer serve me. It's also about cleansing myself energetically to get ready for the next chapter of my life. A new chapter that is just getting ready to show its own interesting colors.  

Saiyo (They/Them) is a Dedicant of The Ever Green Hearth and a Graduate of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary with an Associates Degree in Wiccan Ministry. They have a passion for Herbs and Plants, and have created their own small business: The Brew - making bath and body products for self care.


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